Courses taught:​
Level 3
Advanced Topics in Aesthetics. Nottingham University (co-convenor, lecturer, seminars, 2024. 40 students)
Aristotle’s Biology and Ethics. Birkbeck, University of London (1x guest lecture, seminar leader, 15 students, 2023)
Dissertations in: Ethics of Sport, Political Philosophy. Nottingham University (supervisor 2x undergraduate students, 2023-24).
Philosophy 200. Cincinnati University (1x guest lecture, 2023)
Level 2
Social Philosophy. Nottingham University (seminar leader, 2023-4)
Free Will and Moral Responsibility. Birkbeck, University of London (seminar leader, 45 students, online and in-person, 2021)
Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Birkbeck, University of London (seminar leader, 15 students, 2022)
Philosophy of Religion. Birkbeck, University of London (seminar leader, 15 students, 2022)
Political Power. Birkbeck, University of London (seminar leader, 15 students, 2022)
Normative Ethics. Aalborg University, Norway (1x guest lecture, 2023)
Level 1
Moral Philosophy. Preliminary Paper. Merton College, Oxford (tutorials, 8 students)
Mind, Knowledge, and Ethics. Nottingham University (2x guest lectures & seminar leader, 90 students, 2023-4)
Philosophy and the Contemporary World. Nottingham University (1x guest lecture, 2023)
History of Philosophy: Ancient to Modern. Nottingham University (1x guest lecture, 2023)
Reason, Argument and Logic. Nottingham University (seminar leader, 15 students, 2023)
The Big Ideas. London School of Economics (seminar leader, 90+ students, 2023)

Guest Lecturing
Northeastern University, London
Birkbeck, University of London
University of Cincinnati ​
Department of Culture and Learning | Centre for Applied Philosophy, Aalborg University (November 2023)
Nottingham University